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regular tilings

with this plugin you can create regular tilings of a plane (based on squares, triangles or hexagons); with the three buttons on top you can choose the kind of the tilings; with the buttons below you can adjust the different texture parameters:

rtilings parameter

  • outer size
    you can choose the outer size of the polygon; values between 0.5 and 1.0 are useful; with a value of 1.0 and a value less than 1.0 for the inner size you get a lattice

  • inner size
    you can choose the inner size of the polygon; values between 0.5 and 1.0 are useful; the area between outer border and inner border is filled with a texture value of 1.0 the other areas (beyound the outer and inner border border) are filled with 0.0 unless you activate the multi col option; if you set the inner size greater then the outer size no outline will be drawn (only useful with the multi col option activated)

  • noise
    if this parameter is non-zero (larger than 0.001 to be exactly) it will cause a distortion of the polygons

  • multi col
    if you activate this option, the interior of the polygon is no longer filled with 0.0 but with one of the following values 0.25, 0.5 or 0.75; if you use this together with the colorband option you can 'fill' the polygons with any color you want

  • no aalias
    with this option you can disable anti-aliasing for this texture even if it was enabled in the render window; this is useful if you want to use the multi col option together with a colorband
example pictures

box pattern checkerboard pattern triangle pattern hexagon pattern hexagons with noise


here you can get the C-source and a precompiled version for a linux i386 libc6 and a IRIX system as a gzipped-tar-file:

the regular tilings plugin

if you've any enhancements, corrections, questions or comments to any of my plugins please let me know
